Prometheus Sherman

I believe it was a bus station rather than a train station, but regardless, there's definitely a line to the effect that she's broke. Now, why would she have gone to the station in the first place if she didn't have money? Maybe because it was either that, or spike her stepmother's Tab with Drano.

"But I don't HAVE any cash!"

Glad to see Lawrence Block mentioned. "When the Sacred Ginmill Closes" is my personal favorite, but almost anything of his from 1975 to 1995 is worth a look.

Jurassic Bark and Luck of the Fryish. I saw both only after it had been canceled, and I'd never guessed the show could have that kind of effect on me.

With you on Veronica Mars — that'd absolutely be my first choice. The Wire and Buffy — yeah, OK. But the first two seasons of Veronica Mars…Jesus Christ…