noise the magic sleuth

nice firstie

i haven't hear them, but did you go to robinson middle school?

haha, I read this on Ambien and I kept picturing caviar in Ancient Egypt, but they used moose instead of boats

I'm glad this sucks
because they should stop making movies like this.


Keep up the good work.

3 Things
1. Some people on the AVClub need to learn to be nicer to each other.
2. Who cares if homosexuality is genetic? I mean, the discussion is sort of interesting from a scientific standpoint, but should we really be pinning the acceptability of homosexuality to whether or not it's inborn? Let grown-ups fuck

So, Rabin.
How does it feel to be interviewing a dude, and then all of the sudden he starts talking out of his ass about genetics and the bible and how confusing sex with love is a "misconception" so therefore people can't *really* be gay? And then when he pulls that idiotic "but that's just me, I'm not a scientist"

Don't forget to subtract the 27 seconds it took him to type all that.

Why does someone always have to come along and break the fourth wall?

Man, I gotta get some new jeans.

Surprisingly interesting interview.
Who knew this guy was awesome? Nice catch, A.V. Club.