Writer, singular. Just me. And kind of guilty as charged. But it is on the list!
Writer, singular. Just me. And kind of guilty as charged. But it is on the list!
Well, yeah, but they had *really* stimulating topics of conversation, like sand and why it's irritating and gets everywhere.
Actually, what I said is that it came closest to filling that void for me—in other words, it created a substitute sensation for the way Linklater movies often make me feel. As I note, there's not much formal/stylistic resemblance, and there's no romantic element here. But yes, watching two characters endlessly shoot…
It's really just a joke.
It's streaming on Netflix if you want to give it a shot.
That one is good, too.
Master and Commander is a good comparison, actually. That's a stronger film, with a fuller sense of the culture of a ship. But both represent what big-budget Hollywood filmmaking would look like in an ideal world (give or take some dumb narrative moves).
Ahhh, I think you might be right. I'm just going to remove it.
I'm thinking about changing it, as it technically constitutes a spoiler.
Actually, the very talented Noel Murray and Nathan Rabin are indeed contributing to the site again, to say nothing of Mike D'Angelo, who never stopped. We were also lucky to get a few strong pieces from Tasha Robinson before she scored a much-deserved staff position at another publication. I'm not going anywhere,…
Yeah, you're right. Fixing. Thanks.
Yeeeeeeah, I think I messed up (as eleanor notes above, too). Some irony there I'd prefer not to acknowledge. Anyway, I'm going to change it. Thanks.
I jumped the gun on the embargo, which I had somehow missed. Anyway, it's back! (I like your explanation better, frankly.)
It's rentable through YouTube. Don't order the Sony Choice Collection DVD. It's a weird format that won't play in a lot of modern machines.
1. It wasn't a typo; you used "Ms." and "she" and "her." Regardless, I don't really mind being mistaken for a woman; I just found it funny that you were writing with certainty about my age when you didn't know my gender. Which brings me to…
So you know my age but not my gender? Interesting.
Yeah, I'm really only referring to arguments the characters have. The movie does pay lip service to the fact that the Phoenix ran some coverage of the story before the Globe. But one crucial plot development finds the Spotlight team split over whether they should run their big piece after gaining access to the…
Spoiler alert: The priests did it.
"Dumplings" is disgusting, though you only get a few quick glimpses of the gross stuff (it's more *knowing* what's being eaten). "Cut" has some severed fingers. "Box," to my memory, has almost no gore.