Wavelength by Michael Snow.
Wavelength by Michael Snow.
But they're not pointless. In fact, he solves the case quicker than the detective does—in part, from using information obtained through Dano. One could say, in conclusion, that torture at least *kinda* works in this case.
Whooooooooa, good call. I forgot about that one.
You know, I almost wrote about it, because it is amazing. But we talked about it in the mid-year superlative piece, so I thought I'd just be covering old ground.
Oh, okay. Fair enough.
Um, why? Do you hate T. Bone Burnett?
Great movie, great scenes. My favorite: that incredibly awkward dinner scene, where Frances gets too drunk and describes her ideal relationship.
We all vote and create an aggregate list, which is fairly common for these kind of things. I like the democracy of it, but I can see what you mean.
Sheepishly, I'm forced to admit that, yes, I would probably give Man of Steel a C+. (I've got a reputation to live up to, haven't I?!) But I have no problem with my contributor finding the film's disregard for civilian life distasteful. I was pretty taken aback by Pa Kent telling young Clark that he maybe should have…
Just when I think I've won you over, Alien Jesus…
I'll be there.
Fixed. Thanks!
Thanks for catching. Fixed.
D'oh! Should be fixed. Thanks for catching!
It means a jazz musician, often an older man. There is another definition, yes, but I'm clearly not using that one.
1. No Country For Old Men
2. Barton Fink
3. The Big Lebowski
4. Blood Simple
5. Fargo
Well, they reason through the options in a way that feels believable. With the exception of one character, none are selfish monsters who just fuck over the other guests at the first sign of trouble. And (SPOILERS) they even make an organized attempt to rush the armed guards, which I have to assume people would really…
Considered that too, because I love it, but decided the "game" element wasn't pronounced enough. I'm sorry guys!
I'll check it out!