ezekiel 20 23

I laughed, but that joke felt weird now that Ebert's dead!

Not just Harmon could have deconstructed that. There are so many obvious problems with the concept in the context of a show which sometimes maybe aims for realism (SOMETIMES MAYBE) that anyone could have figured out a better way. I'm not saying the writers are bad, just saying that if they had tried to play with the

Shirley only temporarily outright blamed him, stopped, and then became merely intensely angry at him when she learned that Jeff encouraged the hook up. And then realized that even that was excessive. I think those are fairly reasonable reactions?

I have complicated feelings about this, but for now, a simple feeling. I really liked this episode's treatment of Shirley. She was awesome and in-character and treated with respect.

Aw man, I was just thinking your very thoughts this morning! But also different!

I don't think it was/is ever the intention of the artists behind Bob's Burgers to make the characters look especially appealing. Certainly not to the degree which the Simpsons' possess that "huggable" quality. The Belchers aren't supposed to be aesthetically adorable. They're supposed to be a little gross and

Pabst and Ribbon! Public and Relations! Peanut and Relly!

Harmon didn't ship anything.

Huh. I think I understand everything you're saying, but I still found the closing more powerful and genuinely tragic than you did? Perhaps because my investment in them being together was (seemingly) less than yours? Perhaps because I saw their romantic relationship as less of an arc and more of a development in a

@avclub-2ee2b21306830e5dca292c37d23cb63d:disqus the very fact that she was able to recognize her underlying motivations, reevaluate her relationship with him, and (mostly) get over her crush is a character development.

I think they (the couple) came across as weaker this season than the writers probably intended, but that the writers did intend to portray them as a not-entirely-great couple from the beginning of the season on.

@avclub-2ee2b21306830e5dca292c37d23cb63d:disqus , everything @Scrawler2:disqus said. Since when is Annie's primary trait her interest in Jeff? Her interest in Jeff is based on her own, well-established traits; she loves fixing and perfecting things, she's historically struggled to tame her own darker tendencies, she

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus  I guess it is kinda dark! Probably overly so! But I can't really see an interpretation that isn't at least a little darker than most people seem to be acknowledging. Even if he's just committing to the bit, that would mean that he sees Jeff as seeing him (the Dean) as

Maybe Jim Rash is talented at mimicking other writers? I guess "mimicking" is a weird word. Emulating? Understanding?

@avclub-4890b244b694eb077186da46702d0111:disqus exactlyexactlyexactly. Moreover, the premise was sort of the complete inversion (if I'm using that word correctly?) of the normal themes of a body swap thingy. Troy and Abed had to switch because they ALREADY knew each other so very well and because Troy felt incapable

you're making good points. they would be easier to listen to and like if they weren't being presented in such an irrationally angry manner.

Either the order of the episodes is messed up or the writers decided to skip over some months. I don't get what's confusing? I don't mean to be an asshole, but I don't?

I don't know if this changes your opinion at all (not trying to change it, just maybe inform it?), but Dan Harmon said a few times that despite romances maybe developing, he kinda believed that none of the characters were meant for each other romantically, or at least it would be better to not write them that way.

I… wonder if you watched the same episode as me? Though the Dean was only in a subplot, he did some pretty elaborate and heavy lifting this episode. The Dean doesn't just crush on Jeff, he desperately wants to BE Jeff, and this was hammered home more than ever this episode. At least half of his dialogue was so