ezekiel 20 23

"at least I got chocolate" was the primary joke. It was the joke because it was incredibly sad that Kevin was being fired in an incredibly public fashion, and he had something so hilariously pitiful and sad to say in response. If it were just a fat-dude joke (and it was to a degree), he wouldn't have sounded so

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus I get that, but I was mostly okay with it as I could chalk it up to the two years having passed since the last episode, and because  their relationship was beginning to head in that direction throughout the season. And because Dwight's life had been going super

I just realized that that was (besides being nice in its own right) maybe a nod to the art show episode and Gil complaining that her art was so ordinary (I believed he used that exact word). And then Oscar timidly rebuking that great things start ordinary, and Gil having none of that. And it seems more solidly like a

I wrote something similar below! It's very comparable to Phyllis' wedding where he could not handle interacting with her and her family in a normal way because it broke with his delusions that he was  both the star of everything and a father figure to everyone. Now that he doesn't need those delusions, now that he

@avclub-fdd08c99916b5c8cbf1d1dd364ab229c:disqus That was also my reaction! Yes, it was neat because Andy's ending was more of an implied beginning than anything.

that he was eating it with his hands wasn't even even presented as a major joke. they didn't call any attention to it. I mean, I guess it was a hammy joke, but it was so minor that you could easily argue that it wasn't even a genuine joke, it was just keeping with the character…

"let's do this."

At the time I also felt that way, but now I kinda like that? It's almost as though he doesn't say a lot because he doesn't have  a lot to say. It's a wonderful contrast with Phyllis' wedding where he was so emotionally fragile and mentally fucked up that he insisted he be involved in every element, even playing her

And that is why I feel okay strongly disliking this review without putting much thought into it. Why am I reading all this bullshit about Kitchen Nightmares? Am I being trolled? This has to have a punchline, right? Has Benjy Wyatt's fan fiction taken a weird turn?

I love the way you've put this. It's weird how upset I've been by the last few season's erratic and blatantly inferior quality yet simultaneously I've yearned for a way to get people to talk about the show without talking about how much it sucks. It's like "Yeah, it sucks, but can we also talk about how it's awesome?"

I thought was pretty clear by his closing comments that even though he was very appreciative that objectively his life was mostly working out, he was mentally a wreck and very aware of it. It was a great moment because it showed that Andy finally, really grew, but in the sense that he's now painfully aware of what's


If he had taken up more time, he would have been taking time from characters who actually needed something like closure. Michael's arc was done. If he had been featured more, it would have felt like unnecessary fan service.

I'm not sure, but they've been pretty consistent with using that same actor in the past. I think he showed up last season as well?

I really loved how Brad's day was both legitimately awesome and legitimately lame.

I want to know everything about that guy!


A few of the things you've pointed out are complaints I, a huge fan, would sometimes also make. That said, usually I'm able to get over those things because there are so many things I do like. The characters are decently complex and organic-feeling rather than strict types, somewhat shocking at times given how light

Despite actually liking him tons, I thought he was poorly and excessively used last night. He's best as a character who makes rare, brief, semi-important cameos in which he's  80% a great guy and 20% If This Guy Spends Too Much With Your Child They Will End Up Silly Stupid. And tonight he just hung out the whole time

My first thought was that LeVar Bubble had knocked up BMO. Because Adventure Time.