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    I mean, ten times zero is still zero

    Sure, sure, there are plenty of reasons that elected officials would oppose such horrible injustices as closing the gun show loophole, or limiting automatic weapons, limits on power that ninety percent of the public support.

    Herb Kazzaz's ass cancer on bojack horseman was pretty funny, as was this episode

    Uhhhhh, I cannot speak for Mx. Topiary, but I assume that is the reference that was made.

    "It's about a talking horse with alcoholism and depression writing a book and he hates a dog but he also hates himself and he was in a sitcom and there's a bunch of bestiality but it's super funny and sad, too.
    No, seriously, stay with me here. It's amazing, and there's Kristen Schaal as a human girl the horse raises

    "Cleveland" is, quite possibly, my favorite episode of television. Ever.