
I should clarify that while I love Mellie, I am not at all sympathetic to her character. I completely agree that after her affair/political machinations, Olivia doesn't owe her anything as a friend or even work colleague.

Was anyone else furious with Olivia during her conversation with Fitz about how to handle the Andrew/Mellie situation? For all of her "I am not a hen, I am not a prize at the state fair, you can't win me," bravado, Olivia doesn't extend the same courtesy to other women. She gives Mellie absolutely no agency in

Maybe I am in the minority, but I like the off-kilterness of Olivia Pope, because I can't wait to see the repercussions of Harrison/Abby/Baby Huck's (likely terrible) business decisions.

I'm so happy this is back, and I loved all of Tamara's lines this episode. Did the ending remind anyone else of the Veronica Mars episode when Veronica and Logan makeout/stumble into Logan's surprise birthday party?

S01E6 is 80% a flashback episode that explains how all the characters came to meet, form their relationships, and end up in their positions of power. The other 20% is devoted to Oliva's team solving a present day scandal (which has been in development from Episode 1-5 and is directly related to the flashbacks). I'm

I've watched both Lost and The Bridge and enjoyed them, but find Scandal more fun because it's more dramatic than either of these shows. The romance is better developed than on Lost, and the stakes are higher than on The Bridge because the players (The president, the first lady, etc) are obviously more important.

I totally agree. One of my favorite interviews with Shonda was when she addressed the Olitz relationship, basically acknowledging that Scandal is nothing like Greys, which she calls a romcom wrapped up in a medical drama. The Olitz love/passion is not aspirational, healthy, or in any way "meant to be," but until Oliva

YES to that speech.