
I like your list, de Lemur, and wanted to add my own take on chunking Voyager. In a conversation about the hardship that 24 episode seasons caused the writers of these shows, some discussion board mates and I condensed Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise and parts of The Next Generation into 13 episode seasons. Then

I have lurked for a long time, with the occasional post, but I had to
come out of the shadows for this— the end of all things. Thanks Zack
Handlen. Thanks Rappin Jake Sisko. It has been an amazing reading
journey and I have thoroughly enjoyed the reviews and community
comments. Thanks to Jonathon Frakes and Mrs. Peel

I don't post here much, but the problem is one of tone. The audience read the roundtable as dismissive, even if in the end it wasn't, as you and others have pointed out. In the same way, your last paragraph in your comment is tonally inconsistent with your intent. You want to tell us that you and your reviewers work

This! I picked up Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD years ago. It is brilliant!

This! I picked up Seasons 1 and 2 on DVD years ago. It is brilliant!

He mentions in one of the extras on the extended cuts that he felt he didn't spend anywhere near as much time with the Fellowship as his stunt double did. The makeup was too rough and he only worked 1 out of 3 days with the fellow. So he let his stunt double get the tattoo.

He mentions in one of the extras on the extended cuts that he felt he didn't spend anywhere near as much time with the Fellowship as his stunt double did. The makeup was too rough and he only worked 1 out of 3 days with the fellow. So he let his stunt double get the tattoo.

Oooh, end Whitney like they ended the British version, Whitneyton Abbey.

Oooh, end Whitney like they ended the British version, Whitneyton Abbey.

At one point, I misplaced the letter for StarTropics, the one that had the secret message. This, of course, before the widespread use of the internet. That was a fun time.

At one point, I misplaced the letter for StarTropics, the one that had the secret message. This, of course, before the widespread use of the internet. That was a fun time.

Oh, that damn Battletoads.

Oh, that damn Battletoads.

This. Could you imagine this being made with say… Gerard Butler and Kristen Heigl? (First rom-com couple that came to mind). They would never allow that film's script to be printed off the laptop, never mind produced.

This. Could you imagine this being made with say… Gerard Butler and Kristen Heigl? (First rom-com couple that came to mind). They would never allow that film's script to be printed off the laptop, never mind produced.

Yeah, the guy wearing the $4000 suit is holding the elevator for the guy who doesn't make that in four months. COME ON!

Incorrect. Aaron Paul's Jesse was not supposed to last past the first season. He was supposed to die, but the actor is just too good.

This show introduced me to the glory that is Sarah Chalke and Elizabeth Banks.