
Oh man, I was similarly gutted at missing an MST3K reference, but after using that show as something to fall asleep to for the last 5 years (familiar comedy beats insomnia, who knew?) I think a lot of it has just been absorbed into my subconscious at this point. Like, I knew that line registered somewhere but it would

I read that in a Groucho Marx voice.

I'm sure others will correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe it may have something to do with magic. No pretensions of any viral zombie nonsense in these parts.

Incidentally, I would never have known this if not for The Human Bible podcast by Robert Price. Well worth a listen if you want to know about some of the crazier stuff that happens in the Bible, as well as a pretty fascinating look at how and why the stories of the Bible have reached us in the way that they have

It gets better. In Matthew and later Acts, Judas is said to have bought a field with the 30 pieces of silver and then hanged himself there. When his body fell toward the ground, his bowels burst open and landed upon the ground. Looks like Hannibal has manufactured his own "Field of Blood" in Firenze.