
Dont call him a hack, the jokes he stole from Paul Rodreguez are pretty funny. And I wont have you insulting Paul Rodreguez.

I think Ted Leo is right
Its definitly "Maps"

I recognize the weapons
this is my mistake

I am sure glad we have Wesly Willis to make Daniel Johnston look sane

My heart can never let me walk past a homeless person. Instead I beat them with a baseball bat while my friend records it. Check them out on Youtube. Hilarious!!

sexboresition, HBOZonelatenite
OK you know what 10 lashes with you belt, across the back. And dont half-ass it.

But they do it on a cold bacteria filled piece of marble. Its about the experience.

Do you even know this commenter? Have you ever replied to him before?

Pro or Reader?

My Voice is 100% gone.

15 million??!!
That does it I am done with buying cancelled tours. This nickel and diming is getting out of control.

So Val Kilmer is…
Dean Koontz.

Justin Townes Earl would be proud
That is all.

With her cheekbones all she needs is some dreads and a laser, she'll fit rigjht in.

Apparently Cameron Crowe was not responsible for the trailer.

No need to explain yourself. I enjoyed this episode irregardless. But hey at least it got you recognition by Time.

The last shot of her in the door is the best. The rest…eh.

Swing and a miss

Why do I get the feeling
They are not actually sitting in a hottub in that picture

Save it…
we know your bald.