
Not seen this but…
Im sure this is easily the largest miss use of Skynyrd and Jr song titles by TV ever. I mean they can only outdo eachother at this point.


I feel yah Steve
I have pretty much hated CC since I heard the first syllable of "Sha-na". But "Long December" holds a special place in my heart. Every time I here it it is December 96 again and I'm standing on a frozen campus in New England going through a painful breakup. Not because of any significance in the

Kids on the Street
They were playing "I feel Like Funkin it Up".

Whats up with Lucinda
She seems to have aged 50 years since "Carwheels". Either that or shes finishing off Steve Earles stash.

Give me everything tonight?
Are you saying balls deep?

This isn't Atari dumb asses. You need to start the system and then wiggle the cartridge around until all the pins link up. Then stick a tube of toothpaste in there to keep it in place.


Your not far from LLano at this point. Might as well keep driving it get some of the best BBQ in Texas.

Youve really made yourself into something.

Chuck Norris was first becuase Chuck Norris doesnt know how to be second…your welcome.

Why do i care what some Hollywood cowboy from the 40's cares about us knowing spoilers?

Is that the bands press photo
or is this an intervention?

You think Julies Dad is tuff?
Wow talk about different world views. I found him to be a dumb old man and sissy. Never once did he raise his voice or hand to Julie. Hes also from Arkansas which I considered to be a lesser state at the time.

Some call it the greatest movie ever made. At least before it was usurped by "I am Legend"

Tom Felton won for 5 minutes of screen time and 3 lines.
Kristen Stewart won for….staring at snow?

chop off her penis

He's dead but luckily his twin brother will come in and continue to train Arya. It will be like Heroes never ended.

Oh and yes It was the filmmaker who was gettin some Big Chief

Im a good looking latino from Texas.
When do I get to ride Zulu?