
Pivens aging
Agreed him and Julia Louis Dreyfus are suffering from a severe case of "Sade's Disease".

And the late great Baldemar Huerta.

They dont deserve the mention. They havent earned what Charley has.

And every loser with a Pawn shop Strat would try to play it over and over.

What really makes no sense is why does the Disney Channel have commercials? Its not even paid advertisements its just Disney channel content.

Screw you and your favorite band.

SJP nude would just make us all blind or gay.

You could also just smell them.

Looking at the four of them should make that very preventable.


Nathan you really have not gotten that deep into country yet and now it is ending. Do yourself a favor and at least visit the Texas Hill Country on your trip (besides Austin), good learning experience and its all paid for anyway.

No nobody remembers since that has not been the case since the late 80's. MTV is now fondly remembered as the network that produced avant guard programing like Liquid TV and quality reality shows like the first few seasons of the Real World.

The Slogan should have been "Outlaw: Less Ridiculous than Private Practice"

How does that make you feel?

Out of Curiosity
Have any of these people actually won a Grammy?

I think I ordered this on my last trip to Taste of Tandoori. The lamb was cooked just right.

for "Across the Universe".

Whats worse is that he broke character after falling. Not going to get a part in The Producers" with that attitude.

I think Hinder allowed the guys from Sister Hazel to feel slightly better about their career.

Deer Tick Deerhunter Antler Antlers Caribou
This is getting confusing.