
Thanks Karla, that makes my day especially to all the self rightous a-holes who cant take a joke and try to correct my posts.

What you needs a Sugar Daddy
Diamond rings and a brand new Caddy.

Bullshit mark it A Tobias.

True Grits getting a lot of acclaim before its even out. I hope this doesnt turn into another Dream Girls.

What happened to the alien

"Barack Obama (left)"

We really nailed the Aaaugh guys. Record deals should be pouring in.

Between the title, the fact that it is an EP which is part of a mega album, and a vinyl bonus track, this may qualify as the most pretentous album ever released. It better be good.

Worst of the Season
Its like they aren't even trying. How often do you get Bobby D? Make the most of it.

Pot never hurt anyone. Unless your a police officer in Mexico.

What if you do it while wearing a bear suit?

Some kind of ironic,

Coming out of the plane bathroom is the best.

Hey how did you know about the guy in the park?

No Elaine
This was because of her pregnancy at the time so she is not in the first few episodes.

I'm sure Diablo Cody is already stealing that one.

Since when has ego ever destroyed productive creativity? Cant think of a single example.

Parker Lewis cant Lose
How come this show never gets mentioned in any of these talks on the single camera sitcom and the genius of shows from the last 10 years? Am I to believe it had no influence on today's television?

I had to work to be the jerk Ive come to be.

Hes already covered more and better classic artists. Its time to include a few new acts in the bunch.