
I still enjoy this song. In large part due to the video.

Is this the one about Viagra?

Sounds like every party I went to in college.

Dont know what your talking about. This scene pretty much summarizes my 9th grade English class.

Live through this
It should have ended there

…mi culo.

What your asking me to do is mission: impossible.

Is anybody from this movie still alive?

Monkeylint your like an unrelenting monster from the id.

Only in Turkish Prisons

Surely this is a joke

Is anybody fooled by the hidden gunman behind the killer anymore? Can we move on to some better staging for the ending please.


Suh vs. Brady. That should be fun.

To George…the richest man in town.

Like they lost to the Saints last year. Remember that?

You hate your niece that much?

Thats Lone Audience genius. What next? Your going to confuse them with LexiconDevil?

You may call them something else but its usually the guy you have tied to your tow hitch.

Starts humping mid abdomen