
Its True
Hes a yank

If you were truly insane you would lack the ability to recognize it.

At least get the fucking line right if thats going to be your avatar.

When you consider all the military secrets they have stolen from us. $800B seems like a reasonable price.

The guy descending the stairs might have seemed comical at the time but if you remember the whole faceless person on the stairs became one of those recurring things on the Sopranos. I'm not sure why that is not discussed more in the blog world as it was a big part of Tony's dreams

The ending almost ruined what was a perfect movie. I put it up to old fashioned European sensibilities. But I did like the credit sequence with the scattered parts and still shots. That worked for what its worth.


I think you could do the next 20 installments of Scenic Routes on this movie.

In case nobody else is making the point clear:

I passed him once in Reagan National and was surprised that he looks less hideous without makeup.

That can make fucking the goat difficult

Zack Galifianakis is not the issue.

Dont die yet.

You can be happy if you put your mind to it.

Highway Patrolman
Even if the song isnt real should it count?

Yes I remember watching this one on Playboy. Analogue satellite was the best.

I always considered this episode interesting in showing just how useless of a person Tony actually is. At the garbage company he doesn't do anything except make brackets for march madness or some shit. And the scene with the secretary is just hilarious in that the office is falling apart around him and hes busy

How long does it take for a soul to burn?

Michael Richards Professionalism
He is definitely one of those people who takes his comedic acting seriously. He gets piss with Julia many times in the cut outs. This also explains his tirade a few years back and the time he tossed the cue cards at Andy Kauffman.

Dewey Cox's
Cheryl Teigs and Patrick Duffy. There is also the French Plantation scene in Apocalypse Now.