
Boo winter bush. Ill take whatever Alexis Dziena is sporting.

Ray getting Jessica pregnant
What a shame that would be. The kid will be hideous.

The look on his face was him wondering why he did "A Face in the Crowd" again.

The Channel
I'm changing it.

The Channel
I'm changing it.

There are no grown ups on this thread. Just a bunch of BS spouting Dbags hiding behind anonymous avatars talking about things thay cant effect and know little actual detail about. Sorry that class you took in poli-sci at the community college doesn't qualify you as an expert in public policy.

Was that wrong?

Why is everybody forgetting Scavenger Hunt?


Secret Success
Just like every GG or just G movie.

Monty Python vs. Gatoraid??
That's just stupid. They aren't even in the same weight class. Fuckin syfy channel.

Its the perfect song for the eliptical.

now there is a shred you can take home to mama.

She a man eater.

Not so much volume but the harmony produced by multiple instruments. Check out Bonarama if you get a chance.

Nap by the Sea
That was actually the levee for the Mississippi.


"See you next week" cracks me up every time

Dont forget his cover of Misty. That one is actually pretty good.

Maybe this means no Rascall Flatts.