
idiot king,
How about "Ive wasted my life!!!"

I enjoy watching Ice road truckers because in HD it looks super sweet and it also depicts tradesmen doing a really good job at their craft. But yes the show plays up the "fall through the ice at any minute" angle way too much. The excessive editing and sound effects doesnt help and make the show look cheap by

You make me want to kill myself. See you on The Soup.

Mr Straits team roping skills are average at best.

Sucking up will get you everywhere.

i cant tell if your doing a play on words there with the literal meaning of her name.

Yo just did not notice because of Kathy Bates she owns every scene she is in. Go see About Schmidt and her scene will be all you remember.

I think the real lesson learned here is what happens when you let okies be country artists.

If you have heard "You say it best when you say nothing at all", then you have heard Whitley.

The sketches were fine. It all went wrong when someone decided to make them into movie stars.

Why dont they give her ass a recording contract instead. Thats the only reason to watch her performance and the singing would be about the same.

during his first coup.

In Russia democracy rates…never mind you just go to jail

You need to have Rabin come visit you before his George Strait write up. It will help with the perspective.

I cant help but wonder if the cold opening was a shout out to his Dumb and Dumber character.

Hey just so everyone knows NPR has extended their fall fund drive. Nows a good time to get that DVD collection of Rick Steves Europe.

or Robert Keen to carry me down the road.

Fuck that whens Bruce Hornsby showing up to sing the fight song.

Dont forget a Sam Raimi cameo.

This whole episode seemed like a Seinfeld tribute. I can point out half a dozen references including the hot towel in the title.