
Cant answer this question
because they all rule

This ep worked for me. It and the last one were probably the best so far and gave me a reason to stick around. I was ready to call it quits after the football dance.

I remember seeing Garth…in a mall parking lot…for $10. Not bad performance. If only we could go back….

In the video Garth mentions the song is in part a tribute to Keith Whitley. Ironically Im sure Keith feels reief that he passed away just as Garth was releasing his first album.

There was a black guy in Midnight Run? Guess they needed an arrow for him.

How have i gotten this far into the blog with not one mention of Scarlett Johansen?

It would be shame if it did. I mean Palin would be only a month away from swearing in.

Citys being destroyed by lame cartoonish CGI effects, neato. Maybe they should call this movie 1995. Apparently thats what year it really is. Or is that the big twist at the end.

No isnt this the one with the annoying English psychic and the night vision cameras and the guys that cuss every time there's a noise

Sorry but a grease truck hoagie beats any shit from The Varsity any day of the week.

No I'm sticking by my previous assessment. I think the problem is that Im wine drunk and the singers waving arm is making me nauseous. Nice framing though.

This doesnt seem very interesting at first view.

7 I think.

Hey Claire…
Can I see it?

Im pretty certain the hoteland its rooms represented a circle of Hell. I took it to mean that litteraly the first time i saw it but obviously its more a personified evil than actual. The pipes and wallpaper were also similar to other films like Blood Simple in indicating an underlying menace.

That was BS. The Flintstones laid the groundwork for these shows. And just because you got an Emmy nomination doesn't put you on the same even field. Niether does the lazy computer driven animation.

Its a fucking x acto knife!!
I hate the term box cutter and I have had to bite my tongue for the last 8 years hearing it describing what I have always called by a proper name. And I dont care if its an improper generic term like coke or xerox. Boy this was as bad as when 4 years ago everyone knew what the ninth ward

Gleeth you are " The Wooorst Person in tha Woooorld!!!"

Ron Fuckin Swanson was is and will be the best thing about this show. I cheer Honeymooners style every time he's on screen.

High Hopes
I guess we have different opinions Claire. I do want to sit their and have her suck.