
I haven't seen one in about 20 years but you used to be able to find bottle machines at gas stations around South and West Texas. Sure there are still a few used somewhere. The 10 2 and 4 logo is pretty rare though.

Phel and Quirk are cousins? Incest? This thread rules.

This explains his late 70's concept album "Blind Johnies California Incest Blues"

I was thinking the chick from Ghost World. Not Scarlett Johansen.

Horsefellow. You had me at hjelapo

The first rule of Popless is you dont talk shit about Popless.
The second rule of popless….

Remember Masters of the Universe
That was good.

Aww thats Sweet
Steve has found his own MPDG

I thought Noel Bitchass Murray lived in like Arkansas or some shit. Im still not good enough friends with him that I can refer to him as Noel Murphy.

And wh0 sir are y0u?

Sinistar RULES!!

Nobody told them it wasnt an election year

Your username ran out of compelling irony after the first posting

Does it help settle your stomach after a disappointing failure

Pot Smoking Hippies
Another death announcement pertaining to a cultural norm. Its just a phase.

I also should point out that I have unprotected sex in pools of dioxin

hates this show

kanye West is now officially overexposed

How come nobody ever considers the positives like how this event lead to the removal of MTV from half time shows which at this point had become one large douchefest of pop music sad sacks. Do you remember all the artists that year? I will take a hundred titties if it means my widescreen will be filled with the…

Maybe someone should have told Lady Gaga not to look directly at the Ark.