
and now your locals on the '8

How did you not run in terror?

Ruh Ru re we de ba me ta…
…fields of barley

The sting of failure.

Your not Glen Campbell?? You know no of his works or the touch of Tanya Tucker? I feel lied to, Ive been typing these numbers for nothing. Wheres my shotgun? Sorry Kelvin.

Do you have any idea how disgusting those bathrooms are? Or how slow he service is? Need to pass the time.

Micheal Emerson
At a McDonalds

Just think her kids will have no idea what an Atari is. Or school, social skills.

Is there a cheat code that makes half of Kurt's face disappear?

18 years is irrelevent
Now if you say since since the Iraq war, President Bush, and CD's were the pinnacle in music quality then its relevent. Or that back then cars got 25 mpg average and Russia was in termoil. Or that the Orange County Register had that hack Whicker working as a sports writer.

Sir i commend you on your balls. Your stupid stupid balls.

That avatar looks like the ring on a fake Cohiba

I actually remember this one
It used to play on late night UHF. The scene were whats here face dies is actually a lot better than the short clip shows. She is tormented by the birds for several minutes and it gats to the points that the plunge is a relief from the hell that defined the end of her life. And the guy

They are all just world leader pretend and cant do anything for us.

like south central rain?

You accept their recommendations or else!!!

No the evil Bob doesn't cuss and show videos of people getting hit in the nuts.

Apply directly to the forehead

Wait a damn minute…
What does any of this have to do with Buck Owens?

Speak English Doc. Were not Scientists.