Chris Eckert

Heel Announcers
Prior to his latest health-related/Youth Initiative absence, Jim Ross was starting to work more as a heel on Smackdown, which was far more effective than the 1990s phase you linked in your review. But you're right in why that worked better than the earlier attempt: it was less a sharp turn in his

biggest surprise of the article
…is that you have First Name First organization of your MP3s. Come on! You shouldn't be getting to Alan Hawkshaw or Al Stewart for months. And we're all going to be totally blueballed waiting to see if you have any Yul Brynner tracks.

Some chucklehead three posts up called them hipster douchebags, because they didn't give a proper shoutout to a a smarmy comic book full of internet memes and snark that was mostly published in 2006. So that guy said it, is he part of the "blogosphere"?

Wait, who has been saying this? What books on this list are even remotely obscure?

Stacking the Deck
It's weird to see 3/11ths of the "Best Comics of 2007" list be comprised of well-known classics that are often near the top of "Best American Comics of the 20th Century" lists. All three are really nice repackagings, and the Kirby/King stuff hasn't been reliably in print for a long time, but still —