Steely-Eyed Realist

If you're thinking of the actress that plays Haley you're ok.
If you're thinking of the character Haley then you go to jail.
If you're thinking of the character Haley but in you're fantasy she's a cartoon… you also go to jail.

"Perhaps the film will finally reveal how a company with such a proven failure rate manages to stay in business?"

Phil: "Can't unplug my funny bone."

Everything you've ever done
Everything you ever do
Every place you've ever been
Everywhere you're going to
It's a fail

"but Gloria's line about her quinciera bringing tears to entire Cartel was a bit too much. "Oh haha, all Colombians are drug dealers." It leads me to believe that the writers have a disregard for the culture as well."


Yes, people having different opinions about a subject means the subject has no right or wrong answers.

"Either Harris is the most groundbreaking philosopher ever to exist (having read The End Of Faith, I will answer that with a definitive "no"), or he handwaves a lot so he can give science, experimental psychology, and the like unwavering support. "


Sounds about right. I don't see Gloria as an offensive/racist stereotype.

Sure, why not?

Now that I think about it, an easy way to make her character "less stereotypically Latina" would be to use her natural hair color (dirty blonde). But let's face it, that just confuses too many people. She's been around a long time and only started becoming successful in the English-speaking market after dying her…

I can confirm (for what it's worth, I'm an anonymous dude on an Onion website) that her accent is barely exaggerated. I'm from her hometown and she's always spoken English with a very thick Barranquillera accent. It's not uncommon, even if you went to a bilingual school like we both did.

The bank robbers approached the safe. Their long shadows rooting them to a darkness without equal or precedent. Each man an island of greed and of ultimate depravity. The safe waited for the men. The metal seemed more solid than anything solid on this earth. But it was hollow inside, filled with air.

Dokterrock is right on.

Not all answers lie in "the middle" whatever that may be.

I had a pirated Betamax copy of "For a Few Dollars More." I got it for Christmas when I was 7. I watched that movie, oh, some 40+ times in a couple of years.

The Phanatic Phanaticism of Phillie Phanatic.

Joining in
Saw the title "Cloud Atlas," a book I've been meaning to read since forever, in Wrapped Up In Books and decided to take the plunge. Got the audiobook just yesterday. Enjoying the hell out of it. Looking forward to the discussion.