Steely-Eyed Realist

"And then, what about the guy who writes the songs but doesn't tour?"

Agreed - Ninjatown is awesome
And it's quite challenging too. There are achievements that no player has unlocked yet. Usually in most games achievements get unlocked pretty quickly by the very talented and/or those blessed with enormous amount of leisure time. But I believe that 10K achievement is still locked as

I'd rather fuck off.

Not sure if it's an appropriate casting choice as the character was supposed to look somewhat old, but while I was reading American Gods I always pictured Easter looking like Christina Hendricks.

@Dalek, even if you got all those people on board I'd bet the studio suits would demand the following cast to counteract the awesomeness of your proposal:

"And the theology is thuddingly stupid."

Not only is there a DVD out, a good chunk of "Urgh" is on Youtube.

"Caesar himself described his conflicts with Vercingetorix as the most difficult campaigning of his military career."

I thought he asked if we were "dancer."

This might have been posted before, but I'm afraid LOST has now turned into the story of two demigods playing a very long game of Connect 4. Or 4 million:

Whether the LOST writers knew everything in advance or not doesn't matter much to me. If they are winging it that's fine. BUT, I DO care that the final story is coherent. If they winged it and all the puzzles fit then fantastic. If they planned everything ahead of time that only increases the chances of telling a

"Let's not try to figure out everything at once."

I'm on board with this being the album of the year. And that's saying something as it's been a great year.

Twist ending

I'm looking forward to seeing them in Boston. Based on their recent Pitchfork TV performance I can see how they would be a great live act.

Joe Kickass, that was pretty cool.

They took all the free credits I got when I first registered. I think those won't be honored (makes sense). The credits or songs you'll have transferred are likely the ones you got by actually paying lala.

We need the FUCK dude and BarfMan here right away
