Fuck Lil Wayne
Seriously, fuck Lil Wayne
Fuck Lil Wayne
Seriously, fuck Lil Wayne
I think the baseball season is used more as a backdrop and metaphor for their personal lives. The performance of the team is secondary, but baseball itself is a central theme of the story.
Now Hear this!
Bull Durham is the best chick flick masquerading as a baseball movie ever. There is a surprisingly small amount of baseball in such a great "baseball" movie.
Yes Joss we get it…
we all read Ayn Rand, we just aren't dicks about it.
oooooooooooooooooo sick burn.
I refuse to watch…
…any reality show where there is no real talent. Cooking shows with trained chefs are one thing. The contestants have actual talent and I can actually learn something from these shows. But anything with the word "Housewife" in it, or Jersey Shore or all that shit - no. Those shows are a fucking…
Wow, Kevin Smith
Seriously, just wow.
Woo hoo. a big ol meh to this one. Zombie movies today kind of bite.
Muffin-top of the morning to YOU!
Old School rules.
Accidents happen. it was cleaned, restitution was paid, its over and done with.
Murray, you are wrong and should feel bad.
Fucking People
If we stop LOOKING at the syphilitic whores from Jersey Shore, then they will go the fuck away. America, join hands - stop looking at syphilitic whores!
Ok, I'll fall on this sword
Honestly - I think you need to include Dave Matthews Band's "Lillywhite Sessions". I know they are more known for the douchbaggery associated with frat-house hi-jinks but honestly - it is a great album. Steve Lillywhite and Matthews work well together. Its dark, well-written and the music…
H o l y s h i t.
Family Guy
Attention family guy fans, there is nothing funny about this show anymore.