
I liked it too. I couldn't figure out what everyone's beef was with it.

I really liked Superman Returns and Routh was a large reason why.

The itty-bitty homunculus from the old Ray Harryhousen SInbad movie. So cute, and evil to boot.

Predecessor to Pootie Tang.

And when the one-armed audience applauds, they all attain Nirvana!

I'll never be over Macho Grande.

I still have one of his campaign posters. "Vote for Kinky—How hard can it be?"

Try a cork.

He's got the looks, for sure. Yes, I like this.

I liked QofS in spots. Loved the opera sequence. I think its major problem was that the bad guy wasn't threatening or memorable.

Throat-warbler-mangrove (is that right?)

Sun and Stars would be kind of cool…

The pirate's daughter?


Well, I loved Colin before, but now that love has increased exponentially. Well played, sir.

OK; NOW I object!

Like the "only one speech part"! I'm old and now attending nieces' and nephews' weddings and jeez, the receptions just get longer and longer, what with EVERY groomsman (and they are legion) and EVERY bridesmaid getting up to make a speech about things really best not mentioned. What happened to the single toast from

I agree in that this movie is just extremely fun to watch. Does every Best Picture now have to be a hearbreaking work of staggering genius? Can't we just be entertained and a semi-intelligent fashion? I'm not speaking for a lowering of standards (if there are any), but just the simple joys of a good movie that doesn't


What a corker!