
Roxxxy slipped past Detox and got into the top 3 because Detox couldn't construct a decent outfit.

This is the second time Alaska spared the floundering Roxxxy. It's always good to have friends in high places.

This is an ironic twist considering that Sarah Lynn suggested in "Downer Ending" (another epic bender) that she should kill Bojack.

Was I the only one who squealed when Bianca stopped by? Just love her!

There was no reason Derrick Berry made top 5. His sharing a win with Bob was worst than Laganja winning with Adore Delano. He should have been in the bottom 2 last week and sent home by Chi-Chi or Thorgy. Now let's talk about Kim Chi and Naomi coming for Bob about his make-up. I love both Kim and Naomi, but I

Agreed. Naomi Smalls has a good chance of taking the crown because Ru loves a fashion queen that isn't bitter. (Roxxxy!)

Whose apartment were Jessa and Adam going into when Hannah and Tally laughed at them in the hall? Laird's, right?

Agreed. Acid Betty stumbled once and she's gone. Others get chance after chance. Guess AB didn't fit into the producers' narrative. Derrick antagonizes Bob, so she'll probably make the top 3 like PhiPhi did.

ChiChi wore a corset last week. Don't think it was borrowed because she be-dazzled the hell out of it. Sadly, even with the cinched waist, her proportions were still off.

Guess you forgot season 4's cringe worthy performances.

I'm a little conflicted. I am saddened that the series is ending next week. However, I am disappointed by the 2nd season's clichéd sitcom-y plots — Brawling Michelle, Baby Crazy Tina, Basket Case wanna be player Brett. Compared to the rest, Alex is a beacon. He had the least when the series started and now he's the

I was thinking the same. I hope Eli asks Corey to help him further/restart his career. Wasn't Eli a dancer or something? I'd like to see him get that back on track before Corey moves him to the back burner.

Naysha's "gifts" seem a little shady.

This show continues to go off the rails for me. I'm losing patience with the women's storylines. They just get dumber each week, Michelle is selfish and delusional in thinking her clinically depressed husband wants to hear the name of her one-night stand. Then they bring in a desperate housewife gal pal. Maybe

I thought it was the editors forecasting another ginger win. Remember adore's meltdown last season?

Santino would have read her runway for most of the season.

Definitely not interested in the outcome of this contrived season. Not watching that fiasco of a finale either. Yes I am bitter at how this show has manipulated me into waiting nearly 2 months for the for the premier, only to waste my time with these b.s. challenges every week only to send the best contestant home

Did Al and Chuck travel pull out too? Guess no cruises this year either.

Don't get me wrong. Love both Pearl and Trixie. But last night's elimination was a "Titiana moment", when even the safe queen was shocked. Maybe the producers thought Pearl's story line had more potential. Hopefully, they will bring Trixie back for the make over challenge.

And hopefully not Richie. Richie deserves better.