Frenchie con Pollo

Also, did anyone notice how great of a wife April can be? I mean, she's inspired and pushed Andy to do so much with his life. Music wise, his bucket list, going to school, and now being a cop? Kudos to April.

Yeah, I expected Tom to spill the beans, being that Jerry was crying all over him about him not messing up Leslie's win.

I'm so emotionally invested in this show… Cried with Leslie as she was voting in the booth. Cried when Ann psyched her out, saying she won…. I'm so emotionally invested. Season 4 was meant to take it there. Sure, the humor wasn't there too much like S2 & S3, but the emotional growth took over that, and it worked.


When she got personal, I was deeply intrigued. Because I really wanted to know how she got her start. When she got pointless, I wanted to skip the pages, but I stopped myself, thinking I might find some vital information among the pointless. SIGH… I did not.

I kept refreshing AV Club last night for hope of a review. It took so long. SO LONG…

I personally like Troy & Abed having each other. Not romantically, but as a bromance. It's one of the best relationships I've ever seen on television.