Rochelle Rochelle

Maggie Wheeler is Janice.

He sounds like a real mensch, and a very positive guy. Nice interview.

Reminds me of the 30 Rock joke from Angie: My single "My Single is Dropping" is dropping. And Liz says something like, "What's happening now?"

Just adding my voice: 1) "All Shows" needs to return ASAP. For those of us who come here to read TV ep reviews, the loss of that feature destroys the functionality and purpose of coming to this site 2) The photos in lieu of words is horrific looking, besides insulting your audience by the notion that pretty pictures

In NYC, even on the liberal Upper West Side (where I live as an Orthodox Jew and a Democrat), most Orthodox Jews are Republicans. Not all, but most.

I was actually thinking, they should also talk about the gay one, what's his name?….And then they did! Rupert Everett!

I was actually thinking, they should also talk about the gay one, what's his name?….And then they did! Rupert Everett!

They were talking about Harrison. It was a callback to the scene in the car when Angel's sister whatshername mentioned all Harrison will eat is mac and cheese.

They were talking about Harrison. It was a callback to the scene in the car when Angel's sister whatshername mentioned all Harrison will eat is mac and cheese.

Yeah, what the heck happened to her? Didn't she used to know how to act? She was great on ER, now she's doing this weird, overly mannered thing that made me wish for her fiery death every time she was on screen.

Deanna Troi also entered Lwaxanna's mind in TNG's ep "Dark Page" (I think that's what it's called), to help her mother unlock memories of her other daughter who died.

@Bartleby, wasn't your line, "I prefer not to?"