
To be fair, for some reason, Sega also thought that. That's why typically the first level of each Sonic game is like "HURRY HURRY LOOK HOW FAST YOU CAN RUN BLAAAAAST PROCESSIIIIING". I guess that was the way they tried to sell the Genesis, but even as a 5 year old being able to rush through games wasn't really a


@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus I agree with that, but I'm also not saying he doesn't do anything other than deconstructionist work, I'm just saying that he allows his work to get too muddled up with it. Even though Firefly and Buffy probably wouldn't have appealed too much to me from a storytelling

Well, okay, let me rephrase that. He does obviously care a lot about his work, and I am absolutely wrong about what I said that way I said it. I do, however, think that his fans often take the attitude I unfairly ascribed to him.

I will give him that, he hasn't let his massive popularity change him at all, and I respect him for that, even if Avengers has shown me that I would really, really like to see him change. He's remained exactly who his fans have wanted him to be since Buffy, and has maintained his voice through a wide variety of

I've considered this, actually, especially recently. I've hated everything he's ever done for TV, but apparently the man fucking knows comic books. I've heard really good things about it, and I'd imagine the things I don't like about his writing would be a lot less obnoxious if it wasn't physically coming out of

See, I think that might be what bothers me about it. It seems like he takes his work seriously, but has that out available so that if anyone criticizes it he can just be like "well, it's not like I really gave a shit anyway, I was just having fun with it." Of course, that would assume someone, anywhere, ever, had

I fully realize that I am absolutely the only one who feels this way, but I'm really, really disappointed to hear this. The Avengers was the first thing he's done that I've liked, or really even been able to stand (save for the first song from Dr. Horrible). It's like everything he's made so far has been full of a

Alternatively they could just set season 2 in a glue factory.

Forgive me if i'm wrong but didn't Katawa Shoujo come out at the end of December or beginning of January?

Whoaaaa, calm down everybody. There's no "culture war", I don't understand where that's coming from. Abobo's Big Adventure is a postmodern, absurdist regurgitation of NES nostalgia, and I don't think that's some kind of lowbrow victory or anything. I was just making a lighthearted statement comparing one trope to

I think ultimately the argument against the game consists of "But nostalgic references are unoriginal! Can't we have more pretentious dimly-lit games that are an allegory for growing up?"

If you think it looked awesome, there's a very good chance you'll like it. Ignore the review.

Pussy is also a euphemism for vagina.

Sweet jesus, that is one HELL of a run-on sentence at the beginning of this article. I had to draw a fucking map to figure out what he was saying.

No, don't worry, it's just hating the music teenagers will be embarrassed of 10 years from now. It feels the same at 35 as it did at 25 and at 15. You just… notice it a lot more.

Thanks for writing my parody of your comment for me! Usually people aren't this transparent about pretending to care about something just because they want to brag about stumbling into a "scene" and being "cool" before everyone else, at least not after they get called out in 7th grade for making up a story about

Oh man, someone uncool likes them? That means I can no longer like them! My opinions about bands are entirely predicated on who does and does not like them! SHIT!

Julie Kavner has done a lot of DVD commentaries. I know she was all over Season 3 in particular.

Okay, yeah, I guess he didn't harp on it as badly as I remembered. My mistake. I stand by my other criticisms though. And I knew about that anecdote beforehand, but most of what I've read seems to corroborate the idea that it was mostly bullshit, and that he was told to play the role crazier, but not to "act like a