
"…but also assigns a Wire-level degree of corruption to a small town government agency, which seems a little ridiculous." Not to Reddit users! If you showed them a picture of a toddler in a vinyl policeman costume they'd write you a 40-paragraph dissertation about his specific involvement in daily human rights

Holy shit, the song Yama Yama was written by Daniel Vangarde, better known as Daniel Bangalter, better known as "Thomas Bangalter of Daft Punk's dad".

I actually agree with you 100%; I think these two are funny, and also that these are some of the funniest insults I've ever read, but in general I don't like "weird Twitter"'s particular brand of super-meta irony. I'm not saying anyone needs to find it funny or crying "you're just not hip enough to get it, man!", I'm

I've seen the comic you're talking about, but that's an edit someone made after this happened (likely because it sounds so much like Achewood dialogue), not an actual Achewood comic.

To clarify for people who seem to be taking this at face value because it validates their smug opinions about the internet: this is Jon Hendren and "Dr" David Thorpe from Something Awful, famous for being stars of "weird Twitter" (and for general prankishness; Jon was responsible for the Edward Snowden Scissorhands

Well, the difference between a standard outdoor concert is that Jimmy Buffett concerts are full of 40-something accountants who have the experience and 2-year community college education to know not to just shit all over the place. They're smart enough to do it in a bucket, and disrespectful enough to the people who

Well, I think the best reason to bury it instead of picking it up is that this is super obviously a fake thing somebody made after they saw the "Hogan's Heroes" joke they could make after both Hulk Hogan and Porno McSandwich had falls from grace one after another.

Well at least he didn't let it affect the movie, like Drew Barrymore or Mel Gibson.

@avclub-85f3375756047fba207ce9b85780313b:disqus @Roswulf:disqus @avclub-40e90db13ab31c7efd64228034182c2e:disqus 
Really, you're ALL wrong. This is the funniest Moleman line, although it was cut from the episode.

Posh, shredded newspapers add much-needed roughage and essential inks!

Wyatt and Captain America are the same person. Billy's the other guy.

As seen here, though, Eva Wolchover, Wait Wait's editorial assistant, is exactly my type, even when daintily holding a Doritos Locos taco.

I never understood why anyone would dislike WWDTM; even if you don't find it funny, it isn't obnoxious, so I don't see why anyone would hate it. Then I listened to a radio program that I believe is Whad'ya Know (does it start out with a monologue? Whatever I listened to started out with the host doing a monologue with

Ask Me Another is where it's at. The only thing that sucks about it is when they have some shitty, cutesy ironic folk group on there subbing for Jonathan Coulton, who is (or was) the regular "house band". Don't like ONE terrible, unfunny Jonathan Coulton ripoff? How about TWO at the same time? Welcome musical guests

I don't care if it was porn-related or not, I wish Walt would say "Hello, I am the meth man. I am here to deliver the meth."

Agreed. This is one of my favorite line readings in anything, ever.

Michael Caine reading and actually pronouncing the apostrophe in "d'oh" is one of my favorite Simpsons jokes ever.

Am I misunderstanding your dates? It seems like it would be impossible for someone born ten years after this episode was produced to be college age by now, since it was produced in 1993. Unless I'm not understanding something that would make her like 9 years old now. My apologies if your best friend is Doogie Howser

Am I misunderstanding your dates? It seems like it would be impossible for someone born ten years after this episode was produced to be college age by now, since it was produced in 1993. Unless I'm not understanding something that would make her like 9 years old now. My apologies if your best friend is Doogie Howser

One of my all-time favorite Simpsons jokes. Burns takes away television to pressure Homer. He's under no obligation to put anything on. And yet, there he is, making a marital sitcom with Smithers.