Future Tense

Well, the writers of Breaking Bad will need to find a new job after the finale. Send them to The Walking Dead to help out.

What they need is a monster truck named Gravedigger!

@avclub-ebaecc92914b0c48ee244d59fcc39102:disqus  Rick takes his hat from Carl's head and frisbee the shit out of it into the fire.

Carol is done taking shit from men, it seems.

The names of the two pet zombies: Kodo and Podo (beastmaster). Michonne (zombiemaster).

The names of the two pet zombies: Kodo and Podo (beastmaster). Michonne (zombiemaster).

The big reveal that everybody is infected with the disease and will turn into a walker when they die shouldn't have been the secret that Jenner told Rick; it should've been how everybody got infected and how this zombie apocallypse happened in the first place. The big, big reveal at the end of season 3!

When Lori was shouting at Hershel to leave with them, he was heard yelling back, "Huwhat!? This magic shotgun is making me deaf!"

The writers did a piss-poor job of writing Jimmy. During Beth's suicidal attempt, where was he? Shucking corn? It seemed that Jimmy was Beth's boyfriend that got stuck with her whenever the apocallypse began.

I'll see you at Breaking Bad.

The comments are great!

I thought it was Lazarus.

Bravo! Honestly, I would've like Carol more if she was hell-bent of finding her daughter. If Sophia was my daughter, I would've been out there searching every day.
Now write one for Lori!

Half zombie, half human! Brain-walker!

Earlier, I found out that Norman played Scud in Blade II. That was a nice surprise.

And the windows would've been rolled down, because of the stink. Just breathe through your mouth, Carl!

About 3 months. Tops.
Note that they are descending into the fall season. It has to be September or October.

@avclub-b960c6ee5b5efa12e73f810204b561a8:disqus and @avclub-7a5a3fe4ae33de425d06ac4fe8d097d2:disqus , what the fu- *bllarrrggh*

I can understand the logic of running a network can be desperate at times, but AMC does not have to milk out the soul of their programs.