Future Tense

The helicopter! That is what Rick saw!

Daryl doesn't want to be a leader, although, he does have the brains for it. He's just living out his daydreams of being a survivor. Daryl had said that Rick has done great by him; trying to locate Merle; talking Jenner into letting them out of the facility; looking for Sophia; and having the common sense of not

@avclub-eaa88660d97aa2a15400335bcf9d93ac:disqus  You're right: Daryl is having too much fun.

Andrea's a natural tomboy. So is Maggie. I'm in love with tomboys.

At least Micchonne will know where she is at.
You are here.
Thank you, Kodo and Podo. (beastmaster reference)

All the women must've had a Macbeth meeting…

"Blow Job in car while driving over zombies" has been unlocked!
Glenn, you magnificent bastard!

The walkers do have some memories that was left by their lively selves. For Morgan's wife, she wrestled with the door knob before shuffling off. So, the walkers would've gone through everything except for the supplies like food and water. The only damage done is a few lampshades that were knocked to the floor.

I wonder of how many walkie-talkies Rick must've had. He gave one to Morgan at the police station and Shane had to have one if he was smart.

I'm trying to read that in T-Dog's voice, but nothing is happening; due to the lack of sentences that the writers had failed to come up with. Damn them!

Over here is good as any, if they seen Shaun of the Dead.

T-Dog should've done a Jesse Pinkman: "Tuck and Roll, Bitch!!"

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus  The Walking Dead might as well be a triathalon. No wonder everybody is tired and pissed all the time. Look at Andrea.

I don't think that Andrea will be happy to learn that her hunky beneficial friend Shane, was jab jabbed by Rick. She might pistol whip Rick.

I think that the writers are giving us a show of what not to do while in a zombie apocallypse.

Well, they need to place Lori in a battle royal against several zombies so her numbers would go up dramatically. A zombie fight club.

@avclub-01c2bff254aa9799912374128532e5b3:disqus  Terrier Dog.
