Future Tense

With everybody raising hell about the Randall zombie walking around with its neck broken, maybe the walkers received a mulligan. The government could've been manufacturing this 1UP cure for people that were about to die from diseases or cancer. And this cure completely revives and heals the dead for only when they

He turned down Maggie two times already! This kid has balls, but not the balls he should be using right now.

It's T-Dog's time to shine!

I think that after escaping from the farm that is over-ridden with zombies, the group will have to go to where Randall came from to survive. Since Randall did say (or lied) that the base is about several miles from the highway, the group would have no choice but to go for it.

After Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead has been concluded, I'll no longer watch anything else from AMC. They are nothing without those shows (along with Mad Men) that they've constantly crap on.

Maybe the horde of zombies were just what we've encountered earlier in the season: a walker migration. This time, they hurried toward the hill of where they heard the gunshot.

It was alright, I get what they were doing, but it left my head cocked to the side like a dog, as if trying to understand of what the hell is happening. If it were to be Shane's last thoughts, it should've been Lori.

I liked the scene where Shane killed Randall. It wasn't force-fed while you started adding the pieces together to figure out why Shane is losing to a headbutting match with a tree.

I thought I saw Carl peering out of the window with the binoculars. He must've wondered of what the hell his dad and Shane were doing out there circling around, getting lost. It makes sense that Carl has that superpower, but I'm more concerned with Carl's ability to snipe snipe Shane's noggin.

And the quiet muffle that came with it.

"A person will turn into a zombie after they die, whether or not they have been bitten." That may be the secret that the scientist whispered to Rick before letting the group out into the world. I have wondered of how could Randall become a walker after being killed by Shane; as well as Shane turning into one,

A prologue…
Perhaps Sophia was grabbed by a walker and was bitten on the shoulder when she left Rick with the others at the creek. Panicking, she escapes from its clutches and runs away with no sense of direction of what Rick had mentioned earlier. Tired and wounded, she finds an abandon house and hides herself in

A prologue…
Perhaps Sophia was grabbed by a walker and was bitten on the shoulder when she left Rick with the others at the creek. Panicking, she escapes from its clutches and runs away with no sense of direction of what Rick had mentioned earlier. Tired and wounded, she finds an abandon house and hides herself in

Glenn, Glenn, Glenn… You were so getting laid that night when you confessed your fears and love to Maggie. I understand, that Glenn is getting used to this "having a girlfriend with zombies," but he should realize that he needs to take tips from Shane by shutting off the switch while surviving from every threat that

Like the castle in 28 Days Later? That had almost everything, but the females.

I thought that's what Dale and TDog was good for…

Dead Space for me.

Well, Hershell had little time to convince Rick that this was a complete waste of time, so he's like: "Jumpin' Jesus on a trampoline! Let get this over with!"

I thought maybe T-dog and Daryl would just become buddies, since Daryl saved his life twice. But, yeah, unless they do something with T-dog, he's zombie food in the future. Shameless has more characters with stories to tell than The Walking Dead.

OH! And Mass Effect 3, too! That was fantastic!!