Future Tense

With that scene of Rick and Glenn trying to fend off the zombies while Hershel was going for the amputation of Randall's leg; I was happy that it didn't turn into Resident Evil with Rick shooting a round into the propane tanks to send the lamebrains into a Michael Bay death.

Well, Walt made a fool out of me. Damn him.

If Gus had to have those threads to wear when he was going to kill somebody, I wonder what Saul's suit would look like. Maybe just a bright red/white track suit with that ABQ ribbon.

I foresee Walter Jr. and Wendy hooking up and both turning against Hank.

How Dare You! Never criticize the songs and the score that are used in Breaking Bad.

First, the RV. Then, the Challenger. Just now, the Aztek. The last vehicle that is going to die is Jr's PT Cruiser. Bursting in Lavender shrapnel.

R.I.P. Roomba. Representin'

It might've needed a bit of blood oozing out with Gus having some trouble walking out, but still looking like a badass while doing it. However, it was still great and awesome! I loved that eye socket twitch!!

It is just 3 more episodes to their regular season. They better not milk it.

I want a flashback with Walt trying to teach science to Jesse when they were back in high school.

They need to release the soundtrack of Breaking Bad. Not only with all the songs that are featured on the episodes, but as well as the score from Dave Porter. That will surely fill 5 CDs after the final season.

She is so darn cute sometimes! Especially, when she was making Hank's groundhog to see its shadow in "Half Measures". That face was priceless.


I thought for sure when Hector tried again to spell the letters again for Hank, he would spill the beans about Walt, Jesse, and Gus. But when he rung for the letter "F", I was sure next letter would be "R" for Fring. Thank god Hector had a sense of humor.

I am so happy that this episode had no Michael Bay in it.

I loved how he had a clip-on tie for the restuarant suit, but not for the other.

Fuckin' A!

Blah blum de da dum, Get the Bad Guy!

Brock ate it. You can't explain that.