something is not right

You can never play out 'Tom Sawyer'. Ever.

The only thing close to Rush in Rio is Iron Maiden in Rio. Both of them make me want to play there.

Nobody listens to Nickelback anymore though. People will always listen to Rush.

They were all Hey Nineteen at one point.

Don't let Anne Murray hit your ass on the way out, eh?

Was wondering why no one put ESL in a top 5 list. Not a "proper" Rush album, but man, it has almost every essential song from those years on there and in totally killer performance.

Van Connor!

Pretty sure that drum solo is still going on.

Everyone that says something about Geddy Lee's voice I ask to them to picture any Rush song sung by someone else….hard to do.

Actually my friends and I all are over 6'9" and 350+ pounds each. We play the entire catalog of the band The Cult. Hence, I'm pretty sure we are the biggest Cult band in the world.

Guess you could call this

Always been a fan of Aero Zeppelin. Loose, sloppy, but heavy as all get-out.

Julie Paradise is such an awesome song on that album. That's almost up to "Tom Sawyer is on" volume knob turning….not quite though because nothing should be played louder than Tom Sawyer.

I have been saying for years that while possibly the most underappreciated at the time, Screaming Trees has probably held up the best out of every 90's Seattle band. Even their rough earlier albums have some great gems. Damn they were good.
  I also believe that the late 90's/2000's Cobain-style singers in crappy bands

I agree. Just the sheer variety alone of what "sounded good" makes it hard to argue this point.

Playing outside and running around used to be popular.

Brickwallers are so 1990's, man. It's all about painted Stucco now.

I totally thought this was a documentary on the actual Postal Service. At least one of them makes money.

Hells yes.

I love the subtle placement of the emmy award at 9:30.