
Any body else laugh when the commercial for joining the Army came on near the end of the shot?

Took us a while to get to this show but glad we finally did. It's great. Dennis - really like your reviews and your writing style. You one of the best of the AV Club reviewers. I agree with you that the "magic" part of Vikings is weak and a distraction. Hope they down play that in the future. Obviously we're a

Yes, I definitely enjoyed the show more than you. So did my wife. So, not sure what to say other than wonder if AV Club has a process where reviewers who clearly don't like a show get to move on and new reviewer take over? If so, Vikram, I hope you find something you like better to write about. You're certainly

Are we watching the same show? I liked this way more than you did (and looks like a lot of others did as well). That's not a reason for you to change your opinion though. That said, I wish Wesley were still around for season 2. Didn't care much for Ben character and he can be replaced with another "blogger" and get

Just have to say enjoy Dan's reviews of the show so much more than Oliver's. Oliver bemoans certain show and plot points around race, women, etc. yet his reviews are basically the same grumpy, joyless bullshit every time. Before you complain about one notes learn to play more than one yourself.