
I'm a couple of days late, but I would also like to say I greatly enjoyed the premiere. I had forgotten how much fun this show can be. I think this may be my second favorite show on the air right now, after Homeland.

Actual, true story: I was having trouble falling asleep last night, and I actually ended up laughing myself to sleep just thinking about the last few episodes of Dexter. And yes, a lot of those laughs were anything involving "Saxon."

It may have just been that I haven't seen a new episode of Homeland in a long time, but I very much enjoyed last night's episode.

This is my favorite show currently on the air, and while I didn't think the Second Season was as good as the first, it was still very, very, good. Anyone who wants to keep slamming the show over and over? Just stop it. And why are the 24 comparisons taken as a negative thing? 24 was still a good show, and also an Emmy

So…I enjoy this show a lot more then most people around this site appear to, but…While there's a lot of things in this episode that could lead to something interesting, I don't have much confidence in those things actually happening.

One other note about this episode:

Even though I knew it was coming (And someone already ruined it for everyone on Facebook) I did enjoy Hannah's appearance at the end. The way that she immediately pops her head in right after Deb faints is kind of creepy. Because Dexter appeared to be looking at her hazily, I believe he's been poisoned as well.

Anyone else upset that the governor's spine wasn't dangling, to complete the Mortal Kombat-esque head rip?

So how long until Masuka's daughter/Becky starts dating someone in Miami Metro? Did they say how old she was?

I am a Homeland fan, but I'm pretty surprised that Morena Baccarin got a nomination. I certainly don't think she deserved one over Jennifer Carpenter.

I did enjoy this episode more then the premiere. However, it is starting to look like Vogel is involved with the murders in some form, especially after she insists to Dexter that he will "find him eventually." I am also a believer that the break in/DVD was staged.

So…Everyone's okay with Dexter as a youth soccer coach? To me, that was the creepiest aspect of this episode. How does he even know the rules of the game, or organized sports in general? Remember his attempt to play football in the high school reunion episode?

A Prison Break shoutout! I agree with you, Season 4 may be my second favorite season after the first one, especially the first half.

I do like Bridesmaids more then the Hangover, if mostly because the airplane scene is the best part of either film. However, I first saw Bridesmaids on cable, as opposed to the theater. If I saw it for the first time in the theater as I did with Hangover, I may have had a different impression.

You guys will probably laugh at this, but the original Hangover may just be the most polarizing movie of my lifetime.

One more vote for "Dinner Party" as the best/favorite episode. Everything about that episode is brilliant, even the little touches such as Michael's plan to try to get Jim and Pam there to begin with, Michael's bed ("He fits perfectly!") and Pam's reaction to seeing Dwight at the door. It also must have been no

I also count myself as an Iron Man 2 defender. While I do think the first Iron Man is better, I was still throughly entertained by the second one, and I can live with it's flaws. In my opinion, the biggest flaw was that the raceway scene/fight is the most exciting part of the movie, and it happens pretty early on.

I would say the Avengers was the best movie viewing experience I had this year. I even ended up seeing it twice. I saw it in IMAX the 2nd time, as I went with a friend who didn't get to see it when I went with a bunch of others as a group. I really liked Dark Knight Rises, and I even enjoyed Amazing Spider-man,

I would say the Avengers was the best movie viewing experience I had this year. I even ended up seeing it twice. I saw it in IMAX the 2nd time, as I went with a friend who didn't get to see it when I went with a bunch of others as a group. I really liked Dark Knight Rises, and I even enjoyed Amazing Spider-man,

I wonder. Was it that Deb wanted Hannah in jail THAT badly that she risked getting herself killed? It's as if she would have had to do the research before hand to know what could have happened.