Veggie Co. Records

I just wanted to say to everyone suspecting Nora may have screamed to stop the machine..Didn't the scientists say something about Radiated Metal or something like that? They told her to hold her breath and if she didn't her organs would fill with the water/metal material and she would die. Wouldn't she just die at

"machines refused to work for her the entire season" aren't you thinking of Fargo? lol

Any one ever heard of a little band called The Format or Steel Train or Anathallo? Both the interviewer and Kasher seem to not realize these guys have been making music on a smaller level for quite some time now, (12 years or so?) before they blew up. I love Kasher though and I'm glad he didn't hate on this too hard…

"Who Dat Man?"

If peeing in your pants is cool - consider me Miley Cyrus!