
Love is like jazz.

The same song a million times in different ways.
"Strange Fruit" with and without wind chimes.
It's divine. It's asinine. It's depressing and it's almost
entirely window dressing, but it'll do

It would be, if not for the lyrics.

No, Miller, fuck you!

I can understand not liking the Arcade Fire. I loved Funeral, but the lyrics on Neon Bible make an otherwise great album almost unlistenable. In a sense, I agree with Fragokun.

Are you kidding? Hating on things brings this community together.

There are people who don't like The Who??? Even Baba O'Riley?

The Doors aren't really a guilty displeasure for me, just a displeasure. In my opinion, it doesn't qualify as guilty if you think they have almost no redeeming value. There are probably 3 or 4 songs that might be worth listening to and it's really no loss if you don't listen to them. That's actually generous, I'm

I thought it was a return to form. Last week might have been the worst 30 Rock episode ever. Maybe this episode benefits from the comparison to last week, but, at worst, I think it was an average 30 Rock. Average 30 Rock is still better than anything else on TV.

I have a feeling that handshakefulness, male enhancement and play hard have some pretty wild times together.

Either it's true or we were simultaneously hallucinating the same thing. Have you been taking the diamond shaped acid, by chance?

Actually, it's a secret clue. Modell is the Zodiac Killer

Ironically Racist Comment in 5…4…3…2…1…
Orange soda and orange flavoring in general are so historically dominant that they cannot stand as a symbol for change. It might not make for an easy pun, but if they really wanted a soda that can stand for change on the day the first black president is inaugurated, they should

There are more girls on the internet than there are in the actual world. I'm not out to disparage "Ms." Phel's good reputation, but a woman - an attractive woman - consorting with the commenters on this website raises my suspicions. Part of me suspects Phel is an ambitious ploy to get people to sign up to a hipster

I wouldn't say that Challengers is bad by any means, it's just a slight step down from the previous three. There are a bunch of songs that easily stand with their best ("Adventures in Solitude", "Spirit of Giving", "Unguided", "Challengers", etc), but there are also some weak moments. The upbeat songs aren't nearly as

The More You Know…
That video could be used as a public service announcement against beards.

You really can't go wrong with any of their albums. They are all quite consistent and you could make good arguments for any of the first three being their best. Mass Romantic is wall-to-wall fun, while Twin Cinema adds a lot more substance and variety. Running somewhere in between is Electric Version which is probably

I Could Not Agree More
I really like Carey Mercer and I think Frog Eyes can be pretty brilliant (eg. Golden River), but I won't be getting this. I have the first Blackout Beach album; if the that and the sample track are any indication, this is a very fair assessment. I am actually quite happy that Mercer has this

Slayer? More like Gayer…heh heh

You're too late, butt suckers!

The irony! The very man who set out to kill my buzz has brought it back to life by way of his huggable cloud.