Vincent Sabella

It's almost like the author of this article is trying to be sarcastic? Like maybe he's not sincere at all? Am I alone in thinking that? If he WAS trying to be sarcastic—and there's no way we can know for sure—maybe he should have amped up the sarcasm a little more. As it stands, it's just way too subtle.

If there is a victim in this Tragedy of Un-cited Allusions (and, let's face it, today there must ALWAYS be a victim), it is Arthur Schopenhauer, the first and greatest of all pessimistic philosophers. As I first watched True Detective, all I could think while listening to Rust talk was, "Schopenhauer." Being a great

I can't just fuck off. This is too important. It's really, very important what's going on here.

People who write off existentialism and pessimism as merely fodder for freshman neophytes are, in some ways, correct. But mostly they're just educated & powerless nobodies and/or pissed off contrarians too self-satisfied and enlightened to fully face up to their own boring, ugly—and, yes, totally pointless—interior

Thing is, we commentators and critics truly are lesser beings. Nic Pizzolatto is not risking heading into David Chase Territory; he's already a permanent resident. And he deserves to be. Meanwhile, the rest of us can remain where we belong, here in the comment bowels of the A.V. Club's website, where we can forever

Nathan Rabin, you are smart as a whip. Your pop culture insights/criticisms are awesome, and your humor is smart, not too showy, and a little wicked. I bet your apartment is cool. Do you like books? I bet you do. I bet you know so much about books and other interesting stuff. You're probably funny in person. Do you

Nathan Rabin, you are smart as a whip. Your pop culture insights/criticisms are awesome, and your humor is smart, not too showy, and a little wicked. I bet your apartment is cool. Do you like books? I bet you do. I bet you know so much about books and other interesting stuff. You're probably funny in person. Do you

Naturally, you are both correct, being that you are Correct People. I am secretly Adam Carolla AND a crazy person, Bart.

Naturally, you are both correct, being that you are Correct People. I am secretly Adam Carolla AND a crazy person, Bart.

Let's all emphatically agree with each other! LET'S DO! Adam Carolla is a P.I.G. pig! PIG! We're nothing like him! NOTHING! We love that we're not like him! LOVE! We are the correct forms of people! SUCH A HANDSOME PEOPLE! So let us hate Adam Carolla! HATE! Hate is the right way to go, but not right in the wrong

Let's all emphatically agree with each other! LET'S DO! Adam Carolla is a P.I.G. pig! PIG! We're nothing like him! NOTHING! We love that we're not like him! LOVE! We are the correct forms of people! SUCH A HANDSOME PEOPLE! So let us hate Adam Carolla! HATE! Hate is the right way to go, but not right in the wrong

You and me and everyone here, including the writers of this article, should seriously consider ending our lives. Who gives a shit what we feel about these mostly benign, not terrible 90s era movies, all of which were (are) probably more meaningful and worthwhile than anything we will ever be involved with while

You and me and everyone here, including the writers of this article, should seriously consider ending our lives. Who gives a shit what we feel about these mostly benign, not terrible 90s era movies, all of which were (are) probably more meaningful and worthwhile than anything we will ever be involved with while