
Brad and Jane were sleeping on the opposite sides of their bed compared to the "sex dreams about Dave" episode. Is side swapping more common than I thought?

Ah thanks. Just looked that up on youtube.

I tried to read all 1000ish comments, I really did. But I have a serious question:

Ben Stiller (as Tony Wonder of course) was briefly in S.O.Bs in AD S3. It just showed him walking in the door, no lines or anything if I recall.

Menocu meant Andy Dick was already in Season 2 of Community. Zach Braff wasn't. Crossed wires maybe.

About TheTuna:

Whenever I see "——-ton Abbey" my mind always assumes Cougar.

It's stuff like this that makes them seem like my friends… who don't know I exist.

I don't like mushrooms, so the logical thing to do is find a place online where mushroom fans congregate and then insult them. I'll make sure to do so in a manner that is clearly ingnorant of mushrooms.

Have you considered taking this type of reviewing in a more professional direction?

Well if anyone hadn't noticed this:

It's a shame because BBT is guaranteed at least two more season, so anyone who is a fan of both (do they exist?) should be voting for Community. It needs the publicity/accolades to help show it's worth saving, while BBT's future is secure, all it would get is bragging rights.

I like football, but also… I don't.

It never hurts to double check.

I went through and voted appropriately.

The same people then. Dan Harmon said so.

Cats don't understand the concept of murder, even the pretentious monocle wearing ones.

5 times, liked it more as I rewatched.

Shouldn't the first thing (British Sci-Fi DVD) come last each time?

'twas the same one from Paradigms of Human Memory.