The Smegmatrix

I felt that way about the waterboarding, too. But I think it's supposed to underscore the no drowning thing. It didn't panic him. His mother had som kind of water-based voo doo going on, and he was the only survivor of a sinking ship. Plus he woke up in the mud, where the tide would have gone out.

Theory- James can't be drowned.

They should have Rosie O'Donnell play Melania, and have her just making out with Baldwin for the entire cold open. It might actually give Trump a stroke.

My post is actually the first post of this thread, and it already has over 3 million upvotes.

Leave the gun, take the wasabi Kit Kats.

The kicker? It's a musical.

It's clearly the sun's fault. Apologize to the tv, at once.

I prefer a Salmonhattan.

Well Donald, you wanted to win the popular vote…

If you throw in, "and it has to be a complete sentence" your wallet will have cobwebs in it.

Address CH-Ch-Changes…Seriously though, I ordered some for Valentine's day. The A.V. Club made me a hero, just for one day.

NAW doesn't seem like he's asking a question, so much as asking for permission to impose himself on unsuspecting random women. He thinks it's "creepy" to communicate with them, so he KNOWS that asking them if it's okay to masturbate to their pictures is wrong.

'D', the gentleman's 'JC'.

Along with a Presidential 40 Of Beer.

I for one, welcome our new corporate overlords.

You are the emperor of last year.

If you ask Mel to 'walk this way', he's gonna do it.

Erik, you lucky bastard.

He didn't give in to his anger…Shot him anyhow, though.

But will you REALLY be on that plane?