The Smegmatrix

Trumparent, adj.

Oh yeah? Is that what you did back when YOU had an empire?

Interesting. What if it was the other way around? What if a coach decided to use, say practice squad guys, to make vicious dirty hits on playmakers?

Upvoted for name and avatar.

Canada; America's brain.

Underpants: Rise In My Lycra

Just checked again. I see U C K O F F. Did they change it for PBS, I wonder? Anyway, isn't it 'bollocks'?

But he still makes incredible deductions about the note, and walks the words 'Fuck Off'. If he didn't know her at all, it would make it easier, I suppose.

I loved this show, and I unapologetically love the whole series. but the idea that Sherlock Holmes doesn't recognize his own sister is hard to swallow.

"Jose Greco de Muerte"

Her ribs are all boneless
Her head is made from ham that's pressed
Her hands and feet are chicken breasts
She's beautiful

Does anyone else find it depressing that out of the FIVE movies mentioned in this article, not one is based on an original premise?

'Everyone Under 30 Is Godawful' is a good band name.

"Boo-urn in Hell!"

Are you retaining precipitation?

I don't care about Kanye, and I'm not that big a fan of Ferrel, but I'd probably watch that.

By winning WW2 in the 40's, before we had all those guns.

If Derek's around, he'll play along with you. He believes in the MUSIC, dammit!

I wouldn't be too porno about it.