The Smegmatrix

Why sad, children?

It's not realistic to imagine there's a goal-line to rational acceptance of reality. But I prefer to view the backlashes that racial and gender equality have caused are the wails of an adversary that's almost beaten down. Historically, progress has never been a straight line.

He smells so tremendous, many people are saying it. He smells so great, he can't stop sniffing himself, even during debates.

I still use "You're like a crazy person" all the time.

No Feat, no peace.

And a homunculus

My wife is an Ottawan, so on her behalf I'd like to apologize for the aggressive nature of the OP. Also, she'd like you to consider reading some Margaret Atwood, instead. But if you'd rather not, that's fine.

Now do the Department of Education and Saved by the Bell.

If I'm not mistaken, the characters in this book show up again in his next one. So built-in sequel.

I actually saw the Tonight Show where Vincent Price cooked fish in a dishwasher. God, I'm old.

The song didn't bother me as much as the fact that there's no way that basketball hoop was at regulation height.

The Great White Nope

Awful long list of writers for the minority of it that wasn't improvised.

"This display was intended to demonstrate Gruden’s admiration for
Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz, who Gruden deemed the
“two-handed monster” for his extraordinary ability to grasp a football
with both of his hands." Well sure, it sounds silly if you say it like THAT.

Nixon appeared on Laugh-In.

That's who I thought of, too.

What about Jimmy Smits?

'Boom legumes'

Everything old jack is new jack again!