The Smegmatrix

Welcome to my world, not-short-people.

Not until the pie is finished.

It doesn't matter how many towels you ask for, you're still gonna end up with barbecue sauce on your clothes after the Taste.


This feels to me, just like Cersei blowing up the sept. I don't really like Survivor, but I really hate Mike Huckabee.

I imagine Cersei's going to keep her in a cell for awhile, like they did to her. We may see her again.

Maybe? It seemed as though she looked at Tommen's body, and basically walked upstairs and sat on the the throne. It felt pretty quick to me.

Jaime saw the smoking rubble, when he was just outside of King's Landing, and was in the hall as Cersei was crowned. So, it was a pretty quick affair.

I KNOW it doesn't count, but Stephan Pastis is basically a recurring character in Pearls Before Swine.

And a pretty decent song.

She said, "Don't tell Woger…He's a wobber…and a wapist"

It would seem a little ungrateful to kill the person who brought you back from the dead.

I've always thought so. Fire and Ice.

Saw them a few years back. If I was younger, I might have just dropped everything I was doing and followed them to their next few gigs.

I was more troubled with the theme song, 'Try Everything'. It encourages children to experiment with drugs and butt stuff.

Hey man, I was just trying to come up with a catchier name than 'Taiwanexit'.


"What does this mean for the average, apolitical, blithely pop-consuming American moron?" Who you calling 'average'?


They needed one, because otherwise it just wasn't frenetic enough…