The Smegmatrix

Could be. I'm not trying to win hearts and minds with this. I just like the show.

He would have cared if it was the child of the woman he actually loved. And Ned cared. And YOU'RE dumb, so nyah.

Probably because he knew what that would mean for Jon, when Robert was marrying Cersei. Maybe because of whatever his sister told him before she died.

Eh, I'm willing to stand by my theory. As far as the narrative goes, it's probably worthwhile to keep in mind that genetics aren't subject to science, so much as books of lineage. I think the scene with Ned looking at that book, was more of a clue left for us than just the Lannister bastards tell. It would serve as


If Cersei blows up the sept, there's a good chance that Tommen will (unexpectedly) be there with his new bestie the Sparrow, thus fulfilling the witch's prophecy.

Black hair=Not a Targarreyen.

And everyone should know by now that Cameron Crowe is going to over-romanticize everything. Especially if it has to do with rock and roll. I wasn't expecting a true life account of people assembling and then taking things apart every episode.

I liked Vinyl, too. I think their main failing was trying to squeeze too many impossible-to-navigate situations into the narrative, right away. They should have held off on the murder until season 2, for instance. It was like having an entire season of Jon Snow trying to fight his way out of the pile of bodies.

If your dope causes swelling, discontinue use immediately.

The Sopranos always went bigger in the penultimate episode than the finale.

Mild Mild Regrets

Oh, Leo TOLSTOY! I thought that was a Leo Buscaglia quote.

He's a hobbit-ho.

Now it just feels like you're picturing people in the comments section being shot with arrows.

Until they started fighting, I wasn't convinced that Littlefinger was going to fight on the Stark's side. It wouldn't have been out of character for him to wait and see who was winning, and join that team.

I yelled "serpentine" too.

Well, there's also who is actually in charge in Winterfell, the bastard or the female? And Littlefinger's going to be a lot more interested in King's Landing with the the weakened Lannisters, than the Walkers. And of course Sansa shouldn't be too enthused over the notion of marrying a guy, who she watched kill his

I don't really see any requirement for moral ambiguity in this instance. I thought the conclusion was inevitable, but it doesn't exactly just put everything back to square one. And obviously the characters' (particularly Jon and Sansa) journeys have left them very different people than when they first left