The Smegmatrix

How is 'Morning Dew' not on this list? Elizabeth Cotton folk song, popularized by the Grateful Dead.

Congratulations on your fisties.

I'm going to be disappointed if that's not a song title by June.

S hut your dick holster.

Is your name an Anglicization of 'Turntabalous'?

Don't piss on my leg and call it Warm Springs

Maybe we'll get a crossover episode.

Obviously 'Born Under Punches' is your best title.

God's Not Dead 2; The Search For Caesar's Gold

It had a bit of a Ralph Bakshi feel to it…

I guess gay babies do have it pretty tough.

A B+ a lot of other other B's until he can finally get the word out.

I'm kind of hoping the next sentence is, "Oh. Is that your dragon? Never mind."


I hated whiny AJ on the Sopranos. His plot lines were like commercials to me. something to be endured until the show came back on.

I'd trade you either of those motorcycles for Glenn Frey's whole catalog.

I always associate them with the band Camel, because I used to smoke Camel Filters.

It'd be cooler if it were a bird sanctuary.

"Guess how many boobs I saw today!"

Just the pro-tip…