Bender Rodriguez

Indeed I did! And he signed my copy of the book and took pictures with us. I even got to hold Papa's fishing rod, which I swear isn't an euphemism for anything.

The most famous guy few have ever heard of
I met Senior Gregorio Fuentes in his home of Cojimar, Cuba.

Sing it!
"I wanna get on my knees and start pleasing Jesus! I wanna feel His salvation all over my face!"

Atlanta shafted again
No love for the SouthEast. *Sigh*

When I saw Idiocracy in the theatre, my girlfriend and I were the only two people there.

It'll be great, but few people will go see it, but it'll be big two years from now.

That's not true. Transformers 2 was pretty good.

Summer's not over!
We still have one more week AND Extract to look forward to!

Is all music in general 800% worse, or is it just popular music? Because pop music (Top 40) has been pretty bad over the past few decades anyway.

At least Family Guy and South Park did it right. Aliong with the aforementioned "Shovin' Buddies" and "Slowly Rotating Black guy on Fox," there was a scene in a different episode where Stewie screams at a 24 ad, which was pretty great.

You know, that Berry Watch isn't all it's cracked up to be.

"You can fly from New York to LA in, like, five hours now. That trip used to take THIRTY YEARS. People would die and you'd have a baby on the way and by the time you got there, it would be a whole different group of people than when you left. Now, you watch a movie, take a dump and you're home."

This is going to sound insensitive, but
Are we stuck with the "Bare Bones" DVD for Planes, Trains and Automobiles as the best way to remember this film?

Train don't run out of Witchita. Lessen' you're a hog or a cattle. People train run outta Stu…Stubville.



I feel the need to explain this, even though no one is going to read it:

Four people in, and someone finally gets the joke.


I didn't even recognise him
He has lost a lot of weight.