Non-Giving-Up School Guy

That settles it. This account is the real Adam Sandler.

That settles it. This account is the real Adam Sandler.

Delaware? That's where I live. Saw Louis in Wilmington last time.

Delaware? That's where I live. Saw Louis in Wilmington last time.

I was not aware of Iowa.

I was not aware of Iowa.

That makes me happy that Ice-T said that. He obviously endured a controversy of his own with "Cop Killer". Some critics said Ice-T was saying "it's OK to kill cops". Uh, no. He wasn't writing an essay recommending that people kill cops. He was portraying tensions that exist between civilians and police, espeicially in

That makes me happy that Ice-T said that. He obviously endured a controversy of his own with "Cop Killer". Some critics said Ice-T was saying "it's OK to kill cops". Uh, no. He wasn't writing an essay recommending that people kill cops. He was portraying tensions that exist between civilians and police, espeicially in

I know people sometimes say that hating on Nickelback can get tiresome, but when you said your Nickelback-liking friend "has no personality" — SO TRUE!

I know people sometimes say that hating on Nickelback can get tiresome, but when you said your Nickelback-liking friend "has no personality" — SO TRUE!

Oh yeah, I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

Oh yeah, I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand
I want to hold your hand

Sounds like my Friday night!

Sounds like my Friday night!

An interviewer once asked Carl Perkins, "Don't you ever get sick of playing 'Blue Suede Shoes'?"
Perkins replied, "Oh, definitely. But then I think about what my life would have been like if I had never played 'Blue Suede Shoes'."

An interviewer once asked Carl Perkins, "Don't you ever get sick of playing 'Blue Suede Shoes'?"
Perkins replied, "Oh, definitely. But then I think about what my life would have been like if I had never played 'Blue Suede Shoes'."

I was doing boo-urns.

I was doing boo-urns.

"1) Aggregate statistics do not translate to individual cases."

"1) Aggregate statistics do not translate to individual cases."